Creative on Conscious Design

I would describe my approach to any idea as a conscious design. I never really thought of this term until I was collaborating with my production designer friend as we are starting on this glorious creative journey of designing an ecological, sustainable village.   We are constantly exchanging ideas and are equally excited about the whole process.  How do we work through the challenge, the beauty and the inspiration? 

Conscious Design was thrown around in our conversations and I eventually realized that this is how I start and end my creative process. Conscious design is not just thinking about the form and the function of the structure but being aware of the experience, the needs, the environment of the structure’s location. How will your design, your creation, impact the people, the users, you as the designer, its surroundings?

The Senses

As a designer, I always envision what my clients would experience once they enter a room.  How do you make them focus their vision on the pieces, the elements that constitute the style? Unity while blending colors, textures, shapes and sizes are all important in this aspect. Training the eye of the user is essential especially when you are introducing a nonconformist purpose.  The play of light and how it comes into the structure, how the sides of the structure peeks out from the foliage… sometimes there’s an intuition that I want my users to experience, to feel, to see, which makes them squint, maybe squirm, think, and feel.  The human reaction is a marvelous thing to understand.


The Muse

I seek my muse too.  That is the inspiration that I find when I start my design process.  Sometimes I would stay on my balcony while I think, I let my mind soar, my imagination just flies and I think about the craziest ideas, characters even movies and books until certain references stick and mold into my source of inspiration. 


The Thread

There’s a thread between design concepts, a connection between the user’s considerations, the natural and built environment, the imagined state which turns into reality which altogether is weaved into one story.  What is the story of this house, this building? How does it connect to its interiors and exteriors? Designers, architects think about how the furniture, the walls, the windows, play of light and shadows, interact with the envelope.

This is how I approach a project.  Design is a problem solving technique, not just an art.  It considers different elements and this is how I design with purpose – to start and end with consciousness.

This Design thinking is one of the benefits of working with a designer – whether you are remodeling or renovating your home, buying a new sofa or dining table - you need that eye, that guide to help you understand, style and plan.

Meetings and collaborations with other creatives are always a wonderful and exhilarating experience for me.  And if you want a different kind of kick (with a touch of nerd), I suggest you and I have coffee sometime and just talk, you would be amazed on how the conversation flows. 


Post Pandemic Perspective


Natural Components, Complementing the Modern Home